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You think your life is difficult?

What a boring and difficult life we all are living. Waking up late in the morning at the time of lunch, missing breakfast. After having lunch, using mobile phone whole day, playing games, watching different web series then again taking evening nap and again using phone. Repeating same task everyday now almost for one month. What a difficult life we all are living, no? In which we can’t go outside, play outdoor games, enjoy beautiful dusk or dawn, visit different tourists destinations. But one thing I want to remind you, your life was same before this lockdown and will be same after this lockdown  as well. Because you were doing the same task everyday, except some, sleeping , using mobile phone , youtube, Instagram , eating and repeating. And I’m sure you would be doing the same after this lockdown period. Lockdown is just an excuse. And you think how much difficult your life is.

Have you ever seen a woman with her 3-4 months old infant baby hanging from her back with a piece of rag wandering here and there in this spine melting hotness? Selling plastic toys to feed that infant which is more valuable than the Kohinoor diamond itself. Even if she is suffering so much for her livelihood, she didn’t have a word to complain about life. And you say your life is difficult.

Have you ever seen an old street vendor selling vegetables on his cart to get one square meal a day? The point of life he is in, is requesting him to take rest. That shrank skin, white hair and lifeless bones of his body is begging him to stop doing work. But the determined soul and will power behind his lifeless body is defying everything. In real sense he proved “age is just a number”. In this period of taking rest he is giving pain to his body only for one square meal. And you say your life is difficult.

Have you ever seen a girl whose parents are no more in this world? Who has to take care of her younger brother? The age in which she deserve to get education. The age in which she deserve to to shape her life according to herself. She is selling pens door to door. The life is too miserable for kids like her. And you say your life is difficult.

Have you ever seen a farmer struggling in this home quarantine period to water his crops? What can be more worse than seeing the life of your crops being slowly coming out with each passing day? The crops which he had irrigated not with water but with his own sweat in this scorching sun. It’s like life of his own children getting away. The feeder of this country struggling so much. And you say your life is difficult.

Have you ever seen a daily wage worker who works everyday from dusk to dawn just to get enough money so that he could send his children to a decent school? In hope that he/she may eradicate his poverty one day. He works like an ox in the field with his full effort keeping all the pain intimate. Sacrificing everything to shape the future of his kids. And you say your life is difficult.

Last but not the least, have you ever seen a child working in some factory whole day and studying in the dim light beneath a street lamp in the evening? The factory dust and foul smelling chemicals worse than gutter and dingy cells darker than the prisoner cell in any jail reducing his life expectancy. Also the dim light of that street lamp slowly reducing his vision but this is not an enough reason for him to quit. Because he is determined. After having this much problems he is not complaining about his life. He is trying his best to make and shape his bright future with his own hands. And you say your life is difficult.

There are many more cases I can write about and it’s not about writing , you too can figure out around yourself. The doctors , nurses , policemen, cleaners etc. All are working 24*7 just for us. Even if there condition is little better than above mentioned ones. They are struggling just now and above mentioned people struggle whole year.

The person who says, “ I don’t like my life, I hate myself, I hate my life, I have no expectation from this life, I don’t want to live etc etc”. In my view there is no bigger asshole than him/her. I don’t know what they think. I think, they think that someone will come and will make their fucking boring life interesting.
Okay I’ve a question for you all, if you’ll have any problem what would you do? You’ll figure out the  yourself and solve it or will wait for someone to come and solve it for you? Those who wait for someone say these type of dialogues (mentioned above). Tell me if your condition is worse that discussed above. I’m not saying it is not possible but think for a second if they have no reason to complain why would you have?

You got only one life and one chance.

You are the ruler of your own destiny.

At last I want to tell everyone that bigger the expectations bigger will be the disappointment if you’re not worthy and bigger will be the reward if you’re worthy.
Don’t wish for something just be worthy.
We all know everyone’s condition in this word is different and arguably incomparable to each other but whenever you feel your life is difficult just put yourself in those conditions and your difficulty will shrink so small that it won’t bother you.

Comment down your views and do share this if you liked.  Contact on my email for copyright and errors.


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