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The socially backward lifestyle?

So how many of you readers have actually enjoyed a village life? If you have enjoyed then you too can relate with this article and if not then don’t worry just tighten your seat belt and stick to your seat and enjoy this article.
During this tough time of corona virus pandemic everyone is stuck somewhere intentionally or unintentionally and unfortunately I too have stuck somewhere in a small village located in Bihar. Initially when I was here I was too frustrated to stay here as there is very weak network connectivity so no or very minimal usage of internet. Also I am a student and you all know how much it is difficult to stay without books. But these are not the only problems. Also due to too many family members here it is almost impossible to get peace which I used to get at hostel room. But after some days all my thoughts got defied.

Isn’t it funny that we people try to find happiness in unrealistic things like mobile phones, internet, video games or social media etc without knowing the happiness we can get in realistic things. Well you’ll get to know this by the end.
Do you know what is the daily life routine of a common farmer in Bihar?
The place where I’m stuck, a common farmer wakes up at sharp 04:00 ‘o’ clock in the morning and after getting free from nature’s call they get to their daily life chores.
First of all they milk their cows or buffaloes whatever they have. After then feed their cattle with fodder and grass. And the most heart warming thing you can see there is that they treat their cattle like their own mother. It is really indescribable in words. And this is not only from one side, the mother cow too show her affection towards her owner with same love. After getting free from here, the farmer get to his fields even in this lockdown period. I know some of you might be thinking this as an act of violation of law but for your kind information I want to tell you all that the place where I’m residing , the government has an order that farmers and many different types of daily wage workers can continue their work from 06:00 to 10:00 ‘o’ clock in the morning. And I don’t think I need to tell you the reason. And in this month of April fortunately farmers don’t have so much work to do on fields as seeds had already been sown and fields are blooming with green crops. Whenever there is cool and soothing breeze blow over the green fields, it appears to be a green ocean wave originating far away and suddenly vanquishing. It looks so satisfying and soothing to soul which can’t be described just only in some piece of words. But hey I tried my best.😬
After returning from fields, they have their breakfast. After that they do some more household chores which include cleaning of khalihaan (place where harvested crops are kept for further processing), cleaning of stable, watering of small plants etc.
Now apart from all these I want to know “have you ever seen a gully cricket match of 30-34 players? Each team having atleast 15-17 players. Have you ever seen a gully cricket match being played by an old adult of age about 43-44 years? Have you ever seen a player playing cricket in lungi?”. I know most of you would answer, no. But believe me I have seen all these here. This version of gully cricket is the best I’ve seen so far. Where there is no discrimination on the basis of owner of the bat, gender, caste or age group. Where a man of 45 plays together with a kid of 15 years. What a fun that was playing with them. And you know what was the best part of this gully cricket? The match was played in a, cleared, paddy field. The mild hot and humid weather of starting summer. Hot due to radiation coming from sun and humid because of sweating. The scenery of wheat fields on the outskirts of ground was appearing like there is a pearl kept on the narrow leaves due to the reflection of rays from the leaves. That wild shouting, abusing, cracking of joke on someone by someone and laughing of all those people was way better than most of the remake songs these days.
I don’t know whether I was able to describe the scene or not but believe me this was one of the finest moments.
People here of this village has shown me the real meaning of “ATITHI DEVO BHAVAH” .  Even after spending more than half a month I get same kind of respect and priority in almost everything. This shows how much selfless and humble these people are.

Now after some rest and having lunch in the afternoon once again it is time to visit fields. This time fields having no sown crops but fields with grass. Grass is chopped off for feeding the cattle. This field visit is way different than the earlier one. The hot breeze of starting April is swiftly loosing its hotness blowing over the paddy field creating a musical note which sync up with the sweet voice of koyal sitting on the tree. Man from different fields, separated by tillers of soil, shouting at their cattle to be in one column. All these scenes appear such that a director is directing any shot and everything is in perfect position to take take the shot. All these scenes were mesmerising.
When returning from there we went for the small river, sat their for some time and believe me that “some time” was way better than most of the time as because river was flowing in such a way that it want to teach that whichever may be the difficulty being progressive is the key.
When we returned back the women of the house were preparing for the supper. And to be honest  me too have seen this few times in my life even if I belong to Bihar . The reason is simple as I don’t live here more often. And you all will amaze to know that here supper/dinner is still being cooked in flames produced by cow dung cake and dry twigs. The life of woman here is never been an easy one and see how girls from our side complaint about the given facilities.  The thick smoke producing create itching and tears in the eyes. The supper was ready and we have been served in an hour or so. The supper was super delicious even if it was just “roti bhujia and dudh”. After that we grabbed our bed and had a great sleep after having such a wonderful and busy day.

One thing have you all noticed? I haven’t mentioned the name of mobile, internet, games or social media still you all enjoyed this article and I enjoyed telling you.

Village life is always a different story than the city one. Village life is a different kinda love story. There are many loop holes in this life also but keeping them aside for next time. I think I’m addicted to this lifestyle but as we know for growth change is necessary and inevitable. And after this lockdown period I must leave this beautiful and amazing place.
But I know I’ll visit this place once again whenever I’ll get time. After all who can forget these cold clear morning oxygen, the beautiful sunrise, green paddy fields, epic gully cricket matches, tasty supper, life without Internet and mobile phones.
These all memories will always urge me to come here.
Here are some pictures taken...

Ripe wheat plant

Beautiful dusk
Green fields

Birds chirping and returning home.

How was the article? Comment down your suggestion or error. Or you can contact me on my mail address. 
