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For how long we should try?

In this life we all want to achieve something, we all want our dreams to come true, we all want to defy the stereotype thinking but at some point of life, due to a problem or difficulty, want to give up and don’t know “for how long we should try?” , “for how long we should hold on to it?”. In this article I’ll try to clear some of your tough notes.

We all know there is problem with everyone and almost every time. Some has family problems , some has money problem, some has health problem or some has private life problem (I hope you get this one). But that doesn’t mean you should give up due to these problems.

I want to share a story with you all which is personally one of my favourite and very inspiring too.
So , long ago , once there was a village engulfed in fire. Everyone was trying to control the fire. On top of one of the hut of that village there was a nest of small sparrow. The little sparrow too was trying its best to calm down the fire by putting 2-3 drops of water in its beak and pouring on to the hut. By seeing this act of sparrow, a crow sitting on the branch of a tree, commented ,”what are you doing? This won’t yield anything. Don’t waste your energy you fool.”.
Then sparrow replied, whether it would yield anything or not doesn’t matter but whenever I’m future there would be talk about the fierce village fire that engulfed most of the houses and life, my name would be mentioned in that list who at-least tried and not in that list who just peeped standing from a distance the whole burning scene.

So this was the whole story and the moral of the story is that whenever life throws you a difficulty be that sparrow not that crow. Take it as an opportunity to make your name. Give it a try, once more. Don’t think about the result think about the campaign.

I don’t know why can’t  anyone understand that we have got only one life. That’s it. Why can’t anyone think to make it the way they wanted just because of one difficulty. Okay I want to know, is that difficulty is more humongous than your will? Is that difficulty more gigantic than your passion? Is that difficulty greater than your love for that thing?
No, these things exist only in your mind. When you try once more and fail once more you will let yourself to get a level up than previous.
Don’t live that old stereotype, stale and hackneyed life in which just born, study, earn and then dead. Live the life you want. Live the life you dreamt of. Live the life which satisfies you.
In reality it doesn’t matter if you fail or how many difficulties you faced. In the end the thing that matters the most is that whether you achieved what you wanted or not and nothing else. But do remember that not trying is not acceptable at all. If you don’t try then you don’t have right to to complain.

Now the answer of the question “for how long, we should try?”
Till there is single drop of blood in your nerves.
Till there is single molecule of oxygen in your lungs.
Till there is a little life left in your body.
Till you achieve whatever you dreamt of.


Now I want to close this article by saying “don’t lie you still want it, you still crave for it in one of the four small chambers of your heart.” Don’t give up just because of your present condition, be there for little more, give it a try, once more.

Do share this article if you liked it. Share suggestion and errors. 


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