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Showing posts from April, 2020

You think your life is difficult?

What a boring and difficult life we all are living. Waking up late in the morning at the time of lunch, missing breakfast. After having lunch, using mobile phone whole day, playing games, watching different web series then again taking evening nap and again using phone. Repeating same task everyday now almost for one month. What a difficult life we all are living, no? In which we can’t go outside, play outdoor games, enjoy beautiful dusk or dawn, visit different tourists destinations. But one thing I want to remind you, your life was same before this lockdown and will be same after this lockdown  as well. Because you were doing the same task everyday, except some, sleeping , using mobile phone , youtube, Instagram , eating and repeating. And I’m sure you would be doing the same after this lockdown period. Lockdown is just an excuse. And you think how much difficult your life is. Have you ever seen a woman with her 3-4 months old infant baby hanging from her back with a piece of rag

The socially backward lifestyle?

So how many of you readers have actually enjoyed a village life? If you have enjoyed then you too can relate with this article and if not then don’t worry just tighten your seat belt and stick to your seat and enjoy this article. During this tough time of corona virus pandemic everyone is stuck somewhere intentionally or unintentionally and unfortunately I too have stuck somewhere in a small village located in Bihar. Initially when I was here I was too frustrated to stay here as there is very weak network connectivity so no or very minimal usage of internet. Also I am a student and you all know how much it is difficult to stay without books. But these are not the only problems. Also due to too many family members here it is almost impossible to get peace which I used to get at hostel room. But after some days all my thoughts got defied. Isn’t it funny that we people try to find happiness in unrealistic things like mobile phones, internet, video games or social media etc without kno