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Showing posts from March, 2020

For how long we should try?

In this life we all want to achieve something, we all want our dreams to come true, we all want to defy the stereotype thinking but at some point of life, due to a problem or difficulty, want to give up and don’t know “for how long we should try?” , “for how long we should hold on to it?”. In this article I’ll try to clear some of your tough notes. We all know there is problem with everyone and almost every time. Some has family problems , some has money problem, some has health problem or some has private life problem (I hope you get this one). But that doesn’t mean you should give up due to these problems. I want to share a story with you all which is personally one of my favourite and very inspiring too. So , long ago , once there was a village engulfed in fire. Everyone was trying to control the fire. On top of one of the hut of that village there was a nest of small sparrow. The little sparrow too was trying its best to calm down the fire by putting 2-3 drops of water in its